Patch Trading

If you are interested in trading patches with other Police Officers and Firefighters, please fill in the appropriate information in the form below.

This service is provided to you on behalf of the Can-Am Police-Fire Games. You can correspond with other traders around the world. Let us know how this database is working and how we might improve it. Happy trading!

* Name:
* Agency:
* State/Country:
* Email:
Make sure your Email address is Correct.
Receiving lots of bad e-mail addresses, so some of you are not being entered into this trading list. Kindly report abuse to: Patch Spam
Other Agency Patches to Trade Yes   No
* Please prove you are human: What is 5 + 3?

Patch Trading Results

 NameAgencyEmailOther Patches to Trade
CManchester Police Dept.emailNo
H913th Police Squadron USAFemailYes
JMontclair PD NJ USAemailYes
KVA PoliceemailYes
JMarblehead PoliceemailYes
MUS I. N. S.emailNo
KHarwinton EMS Ct/USAemailYes
DWeslaco F.D. TX/USAemailYes
DSherbrooke FD Quebec/CanadaemailYes
JKearny P.D. NJ/USAemailYes
RSanford Fire Dept, FLA USAemailNo
DRiverdale Fire Services, Georgia/USAemailYes
RThe University of Texas P.D. Texas/USAemailNo
ALaurelton F.D. N.Y./U.S.A.emailYes
JPerry Township Fire/OhioemailNo
CSuccessful Co. LTD Taiwan/TaiwanemailYes
HFirefighter/Wisconsin USAemailNo
DFordoche VFD/Louisiana USAemailYes
RCuba Police Department, Missouri/USAemailNo
ESylvania Police Sylvania, OhioemailYes
MDallas P D Texas/ USAemailNo
Wfireman sam englandemailNo