The Can-Am Police-Fire Games’ mission is to promote physical fitness and camaraderie among and between law enforcement, fire, emergency and protective service personnel and their agencies.
What’s the attraction to your community in hosting a Can-Am Police-Fire Games? Plenty! In fact, using accepted Tourist Bureau formulas, we estimate the Games could result in economic spin-offs of $5 to $10 million to your community! Here’s how:
- The Games attract competitors from most of the states in America, and the provinces of Canada as well as countries from around the world. A Host has the potential of attracting thousands of participants, each of whom is often accompanied by a spouse and other family members.
- The further a participant travels, the longer they stay, meaning more money is being spent on entertainment, accommodation, meals, souvenirs and other activities. Experience with previous Games indicates that a drive-in participant stays an average of three days, while a fly-in participant may stay from five to seven days.
In addition to the immediate economic benefits there are a number of promotional benefits that offer lasting value for your community:
- Recognition as the site of a world-class athletic competition.
- The opportunity to connect your community with future Games.
- The creation of a legacy to your community through Games revenues.
- Increased tourism and repeat visits from Games participants.
- The chance to bring individuals and businesses in your community together in the
spirit of volunteerism and economic development. - Having the experience of hosting an event of this magnitude places your
community in the enviable position of confidently applying for other large scale
sporting and social events
Games hosts will be able to generate and disseminate revenues from the Games to important charities, of their choice, in their community.
The Can-Am Police-Fire Games is a registered non-profit organization 501(3) © in the United States and is registered under the Alberta Society Act as a non-profit organization.kcc
The Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board consists of police officers, firefighters, and professionals, the majority of which have hosted a prior Can-Am Police-Fire Games.
The Board of Directors receives no compensation for their services and strives to ensure the highest quality of games is hosted at the least financial impact to the participants. The Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation derives its funding from a sharing of proceeds with a Host. Therefore, if a Host is financially successful then the Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation is successful.
Bill Merrylees London Police Service |
(519) 854-8536 |
Terry Tycholis RCMP Regina Sask |
(396) 520-2795 |
Kevin Kalbfleisch Lewiston Fire Department |
(208) 790-0923 |
Gary Gibson Calgary Police Service |
(403) 932-6192 |
Next Games up for bid is the 2026 Games. The bid process begins in January, 2022.
PDF download: RFP 2026
See the Compulsory Events page for a complete list of compulsory events.
A list of sporting events offered in previous Games is available by contacting Mr. Gary Gibson
AGE RULES: A competitor may enter only one age division in an event.
- Age is determined as of the first day of competition in the sport entered.
- A competitor may elect to compete in a younger division as long as it is indicated on the original application.
- If indicated on the original application, a senior may compete in the Open Division. A Master may compete in Open or Senior Division.
- A competitor who qualifies as a Senior may compete in a Senior Doubles event and an Open Single event, but may not compete in a Senior and Open Singles event.
DOUBLES/PARTNERS Competitors may enter only one sport/event classification. Competitors entering sports/events that offer doubles competition may only enter the Open Classification or the Classification of the youngest member of the doubles team. For example: Two competitors, one age 31 and the other 57 want to enter Racquetball Doubles. They may enter the Open Classification or the Senior Classification because of the age of the youngest team member.
- National, State or Provincial law enforcement, fire service or e.m.s. agencies may combine with members of the same agency from throughout the Country, State, or Province to form a team.
- Any Department/Detachment/Service with less than 100 eligible members may team up with another local Department/Detachment/Service of less than 100 eligible members within the same State or Province, as long as there is no emphasis on selecting an “all-star” team. Games’ coordinators shall approve all team entries.
- Coaches: Non-playing coaches or managers who are not team members are not eligible to receive Games medals. Non-playing coaches are eligible to receive medals provided they meet the same requirements as all other entrants and register in the same manner, including entry fee.
- A Team must enter the classification of the youngest member of the team or the Open Classification. For example, a 3-Player Basketball Team has two members age 47 and one age 35. The team may enter either the Open Classification or the 35 Years & Over Classification but not both.
A variety of supporting documentation is available to potential Host organizations by request from the Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation. Please submit requests to the Federation CEO. Associated information may be found on this webpage.
Are there set dates for the events, or is that flexible?
The Can-Am Police-Fire Games are held every two years during even numbered years and may be conducted from June through September to accommodate vacation schedules and families with school aged children.
Is having ice rinks a requirement?
Ice Hockey is an optional event therefore a Host should consider the potential expense verses the ability to attract competitors. Prior Can-Am Police-Fire Games in London in 2004 offered Ice Hockey as an event and was very successful. Saskatoon plans to offer Ice Hockey in 2008 as an event. Saskatoon is also offering curling. Combining Games events with other initiatives such as training camps or schools can serve to enhance the feasibility of reinstalling or retaining ice surfaces for the Games and reduce the cost to the Host Committee.
How many hotel rooms are needed for lodging per night?
Approximately 600 room nights per day for the week of the Games.
Typically, how much money is spent by the host community on marketing?
A marketing spreadsheet is available from the Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation that should answer many of these questions however; it does not necessarily require the amounts previously spent by past Hosts. Should you contemplate submitting a Host Bid, consider starting a grass roots campaign to establish awareness and support for your bid for the Games. Promoting awareness of the Games to eligible agencies in your city and surrounding areas and encouraging their participation or perhaps facilitating sponsorship of competitors to attend upcoming Games will enhance future marketing efforts to these groups. Past experience has shown that marketing dollars generate more return investment when concentrated on the eligible agencies within a day’s drive of the Host city. Through use of a website dedicated to the Games, a very broad outreach to past and potential competitors can be made. Electronic, downloadable and printable versions of registration information packages, schedules, posters, etc. greatly reduce the cost of printing and mailing paper-based material. Tourism and accommodation information is readily available and easily searchable on a website. Requesting links to websites of target markets such as professional associations, trade magazines and previous hosts is an effective, low cost way of marketing the Games.
Do the event entry fees go to the host community, and if so, how much is the entry fee for the games/events?
The Entry Fees are negotiable; however, they remain near the US $100 mark. The Host and the Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation traditionally fee share starting at a 50/50 split. The fee-sharing ratio is also negotiable.
Does the host city own all rights to sell sponsorship?
Up to a specific time period as agreed to by the Host and the Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation, however, the Federation always reserves the right to approve any sponsorship.
What are the numbers of participants?
Typically between 800 to 1,000 competitors plus spouses and/or families.
Can you supply me with the budget for the upcoming games?
No, that is proprietary information until after the Games have been held. Upon request the Board can send out a budget from past games.
Do you have specific market research and economic impact research you can provide me?
No more than is listed on the web site. This information was generated using standard economic impact formulae.
How many events do we have to run?
There are 33 compulsory events that form the basis of the Games. Some of these are multi-part events, such as Track and Field, and Swimming. Hosts are encouraged to offer as many optional events as they believe can be run successfully and offer new events that are unique or popular in their area. New events require approval of the Games Federation. For example, in 2008, Orienteering, Adventure Racing and Texas Hold ’Em are being offered for the first time. Please refer to the CAN-AM POLICE-FIRE GAMES EVENTS section above for a list of compulsory and optional events.
Can we sell naming rights for the event?
These are limited and negotiable.
Is there a recommended price range for hotels?
As competitors will be traveling singly, in teams and with families from varying distances and staying for different time periods, a variety of accommodation types and price points will be required. This will include everything from camping and trailer park facilities to deluxe accommodations at downtown hotels. As part of the bid process the Host must select a Host Hotel, usually selected based upon cost to competitors and the availability of other amenities used by the Host. Much of the action surrounding the Games is located at this facility such as competitor registration; sports results; and social events; therefore many competitors choose to stay in or near this locale. Reasonably priced accommodation for families can be found at community colleges or universities who are looking to fill off-season student accommodation facilities.
Do we manage each individual event, such as archery, or do you supply management for those events?
It is the responsibility of the host to run each sport or event. Due to the multi-sport nature of the Games, (Saskatoon had 66 on their schedule in 2008), a suitably sized and staffed organizational group is needed to ensure that all aspects of the Games are identified and provided for. (Prior Organizational Structures are available upon request) No single operation format is better than any other. It is the responsibility of the Host to organize their games in the most effective and efficient manner as possible. Each event will have individual requirements for venue selection, officiating, medical/safety needs, communications (some of the venues can be at a distance from the host hotel), environmental factors (high winds, heat, humidity) requiring shelter, potable water, ice and possibly portable washroom facilities.
Some suggestions include: Select venues that can provide officials and equipment on site, as many can, due to the nature of their business. Many businesses run tournaments on a regular basis as part of their operation so this does not impact greatly on emergency services for either supervisory or volunteer requirements. Partnering with local clubs for shooting, archery, cycling etc. is another great way to acquire expertise, manpower and equipment without undue impact on service delivery. Encouraging participation from emergency services agencies from the surrounding area will add buy-in from that community and reduce the impact on service delivery for the local emergency services. There are quite a few agencies eligible to compete in our games and each could be tapped for volunteers at any point in the organizational structure of the Games committees.
Volunteers are the backbone of successful Games. Opening opportunities to the community to volunteer will provide you with a great number of people willing and able to assist in hosting the Games.
It is very important to obtain the commitment from your Police and Fire Chiefs and their related associations prior to commencing with a bid to host the Games as these are the two emergency services most impacted by hosting the Games. The rewards of hosting the Games far exceed the effort through community involvement and awareness/appreciation of emergency service providers; the economic impact and tourism opportunities for your community and the surrounding area; and especially through the development and strengthening of inter-agency bonds as an outcome of planning, organizing and presenting the Games. The Federation Board can provide assistance to a Bid City by speaking directly to the Police and Fire Chiefs to provide practical and realistic information as to the impact on their organization.
How much do the medals cost and how many are awarded?
Currently, the medals are under US $5 each and are purchased from the Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation. Surplus medals can be returned. A Host may also use medals in presentation sets to individuals for their efforts in making the Games such a success.
Are the entry fees split 50/50 after some expenses taken?
The split is negotiated between the Host and the Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation well before any expenses are incurred.
What other cost might we incur?
Previous Games’ budgets are available for a clear picture of “other” expenses. There are several areas where expenditures may occur. The choice to offer certain additional features and scale of each depends upon the host. The first area is the “Showcase Events” that are designed to highlight the flavor and amenities of the Host City and surrounding area. These might include: Closing Ceremonies; Banquet; Casino Nights; Beach Parties, for example and may be offered with the option of cost recovery and/or profit making via gate sales, concessions, souvenirs, etc. Opening Ceremonies are a traditional part of the Games and provide a great way to include members of the public in the uniqueness of our Games as well as expose all of your guests to the history, spirit and local talents your city enjoys. Utilizing a “main attraction” can be an effective way of getting a sellout crowd for the Opening Ceremonies. Canadian Hosts have had great success providing, the RCMP Musical Ride. They are a perennial family favorite and generations of family members have enjoyed their rides. The members of the ride are more than generous in talking to the audience and having photos taken with them after the ceremonies are over. This is an excellent platform for local dignitaries, special guests and the Host Committee to welcome the audience members and competitors to the city and the Games. It is also an appropriate venue for recognizing Sponsors, donors and volunteers for their contributions in presenting the Games.
The focus of a Host budget should be directed towards running each of the events. Of these, venue site rental is one of the primary costs associated with hosting the Games. Officials (certified or otherwise); equipment acquisition (fabrication, purchase or rental); specialized timing devices; communications devices; provision of medical services or equipment; potable water and ice are items or services that many events have in common.
The next area where expenditures are expected is for ancillary and support functions. It is recommended that full-time staff be dedicated to operating a Games office. From the time the registration package is available online and in print, competitor queries will escalate dramatically and much of the requested information is time sensitive requiring a timely response. Games office personnel can also play a major role in executing the marketing plan. Personnel for data entry, transportation services, accounting, special events, and equipment acquisition and storage are examples of these types of requirements. The use of volunteers and the ability of city departments to absorb some if not all of the costs may significantly reduce the financial impact of providing these services. A volunteer recognition event of some type should be a consideration for inclusion in the overall Games budget. Thousands of hours of service are donated by your community and should be recognized. A barbeque or outdoor party is a good way of accomplishing this. The tribute need not be elaborate or expensive but will be greatly appreciated by all of your volunteers.
For each challenge presented by hosting the Games there are strategies which may be employed to reduce or eliminate them. Many opportunities exist to create partnerships within City departments, agencies and throughout your local community. The Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation, through a wealth of experience in presenting the Games, can provide guidance in seeking out these partnering opportunities.
What does the bid fee go towards?
The Host bid fee allows the Federation to assist other Hosts, seek bids, and have operating funds for the years between Games.
Are there spectator fees?
Spectator fees are not permitted for attendance at any Can-Am Police-Fire Games sport or event competition. Admission fees may be applicable at specific venues as a normal part of the venue’s business operation, for example parks or sports complexes. It may be possible to negotiate to have admission fees waived or discounted for these events. Special Events such as Opening Ceremonies may have a spectator fee which is at the discretion of the Host. All proceeds from Special Events spectator fees and/or revenue are the sole property of the Host.
Are participants tax exempt from hotel taxes?